London Gazette index entry detail

Publication details:

Publication date: 30 May 1795.

Issue: 13783.

Page: 556.



Person details:

Name: Henry Brooker.

Marital Status: Not given.

Occupation: Brewer, Maltster, Wine and Coal-Merchant.


NOtice is hereby given, that the Partnership lately carried on by us, Robert Killick, John Vallance, Philip Vallance, James Vallance, and Henry Brooker, under the Firm of Killick and Vallances, of Brighthelmstone in the County of Sussex, Brewers, Maltsters, Wine and Coal-Merchants, was, on the 16th Day of May, 1794, dissolved by mutual Consent; and that the said several Businesses will in future be carried on by the said John Vallance, Philip Vallance and James Vallance, on their own joint Account, independent of the said Robert Killick and Henry Brooker ; and that the said John Vallance, Philip Vallance, and James Vallance are authorized to receive all Debts due to the said Copartnership, and will pay all Debts owing there from. Dated this 1st Day of May, 1795. Rob. Killick. John Vallance. Philip Vallance. James Vallance. Hen. Brooker.



Transcribed by:

Michael Metcalfe.

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