In the name of God amen. I Alice Lambe widow of the parish of Warbleton in the county of Sussex being sick in body and in mind and of good and perfect remembrance thanks be given to Almighty God do ordain and make this my last will and testament in form following, Firstly I will and bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my creator hoping to be saved by the death of Jhesus Christe my only Redeemer and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Warbleton.
And secondly I will and bequeath to Elizabeth my eldest daughter £10 of good and lawful money of England and one joined chest the money to be paid at the age of twenty years or at her day of marriage the which shall come first.
Thirdly I will and bequeath to Mary my second daughter £? and the best chest the money to be paid at the age of twenty years or at her day of marriage the which shall come first.
Fourthly I will and bequeath to Refraine my third daughter £14 of good and lawful money of England to be paid at the day of her marriage or at the age of twenty years which shall come first.
Fifthly I will and bequeath to An my fourth daughter all my part and right in our tenement lying in Dallington and my part and right in one tenement called Hocwodes lying in Salehurst.
Sixthly I will and bequeath to Sendeney my youngest daughter my tenement and houses lying and being in the parish of Warbleton.
Item I will my house and land lying in Westhame and all my moveables and goods to be sold to pay my legacies and debts by the hands of my cousin STOLLION, my uncle …... and my cousin HOLEMAN and my brother BAKER his son after my decease as they shall think meet and convenient.
Item I will and bequeath my debts and legacies to be paid and the residue of my goods to be equally divided between Refraine and Anne my two daughters.
Item I will and bequeath to Mary my daughter my best gold ring and one pair linen good sheets Item I will to Refraine my daughter one pair of sheets hooks and eyes of silver and one silver pin
Item I will to Anne my daughter one other gold ring
Item I will to John Baker my brother bakers son ?5s to be paid within half a year after my decease
Witnesses at the making hereof: Thomas Elliard John Stockes