Details of Property:

Enumeration District details:

Number: 7.

Code: HO 107/1111/1.

Description: Ardingly Commences at Stone Cross, the north East side of the High Road to Lythwood Common then the Bounds in a East direction to the stream, the Parish bounds following the same to a water mile then to the north west to the High Road crossing the same to the Stedgates Farm from thence to the Parkhouse then following the bounds south, to West Hill, include the house then the East side of the lane to Ardingly. Hapsted High Road to Highwood Common and Stone Cross the commencement.

Enumerator: Henry Sayers.

Sub. District: Lindfield.

Registration district: Cuckfield.

Property details:

Address: Hickpotts.

Notes: Dummy property inserted - property details not transcribed.

Type: Inhabited.

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