Details for household:

Enumeration District details:

Code: RG 9/565.

Description: From the Police Station including the Lock up - Houses at Watch Oak Chain House Upper Almonny Farm Nodians Mansion and cottages - Union Workhouse - and all the houses right and left of the North Trade Road including Little & Great Beech and Foxes Hole Farm - cottages near and including the Squirrel Inn Thence to the Gunpowder Mills including cottages at the House Mills Pepperineye & Brook Mills and Milles Farm thence to Fellham Hill and Taylors Farm and Down Barn.

Enumerator: John Foord.

Registration district: Battle.

Property details:

Address: Police Station North Trade Road.

Notes: Dummy property inserted - property details not transcribed.

Type: Inhabited.

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Household details:

Schedule: 3.

Head of household: Cruttenden, Matthew.

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