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Will detail

Will of William Roach of Sullington

Date signed: 15 Apr 1705, Probate date: 24 Apr 1705

In the Name of God Amen the ffifteenth day of April Anno Dm 1705 William Roach of Sullington in the County of Sussex Husbandman being sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory (thanks be to God for the same) Doe make and Ordaine this my Last Will and Testament in maner and forme following (that is to say) ffirst and Principally I give my Soul into the hands of God who gave it to me ffor my body I commend to Christian Buriall at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named and as to my Worldly goods I give and bequeath as followeth Imprimis I give and bequeath to George ffarndell my Godson Twenty shillings Item I give my Godson Robert Munery the sum of Twenty shillings Item I give Thomas ffarndell of Sullington my old horse now in his possession Item I give my kinswoman Sarah Wood wife of John Wood of Pulborough a Chest of Linnen formerly given to her by my Mother the Key of which Chest she have already Item I give Dorothy the wife of John Lording of Sullington Tenn shillings Item I give and bequeath to John Parker of Sullington All the rest of my goods and Chattells not before given and bequeathed also make and ordaine and appoynt the said John Parker my Sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament my will and meaning is that he the said John Parker shall pay and discharge all my ffunerall Expences also all my debts and Legacies I also declare that this is my Last Will and Testament which I here sign seal and publish _ William Roach his marke

In the presence of John Haine _ William Wood

Proved at Chichester 24 April 1705

Transcribed by:

Ros Dunning.



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