London Gazette index entry detail

Publication details:

Publication date: 28 Apr 1916.

Issue: 29562.

Page: 4277.


Sussex Regiments.

Person details:

Name: C.R. Hunter.

Marital Status: Not given.

Occupation: Royal Sussex Regiment.


SOLDIERS' BALANCES UNDISPOSED OF. In pursuance of "The Regimental Debts Act, 1893, " notice is hereby given that there is available for distribution amongst the Next of Kin or others entitled the sum of money set opposite to the name of each of the deceased Soldiers named in the lists which are published with this notice in the London Gazette and the " Army List, " and are also to be seen at the Regimental Depots throughout the United Kingdom. Applications from persons supposing themselves entitled as Next of Kin should be addressed by letter to "The Secretary, War Office, Park Buildings, St. James's Park, London, S. W. , " and marked outside "Effects. " R. H. BRADE. War Office, April 28, 1916. List CCCCXCII of the Names of deceased Soldiers whose Personal Estate is held for distribution amongst the Next of Kin or others entitled. —Effects 1915-1916. Name. : Hunt, C. R. . Rank. : Private. Regiment &c. : 2nd Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment. Amount. £4 1s. 9d.



Transcribed by:

Michael Metcalfe.

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