London Gazette index entry detail

Publication details:

Publication date: 12 Sep 1807.

Issue: 16064.

Page: 1198.



Person details:

Name: Mr. William Urry.

Marital Status: Not given.


WHereas George Blake, late residing at the House of John Benham, bearing the Sign of, the Fighting Cocks, in the Parish of St. Peter the Great, otherwise Subdeanry, within the City of Chichester, in the County of Sussex, Beck-Builder, did, on or about the 26th Day of June 1806, leave his said Residence, without paying his Landlord's Bill for Board, Lodging, and Money lent, and hath not since been heard of by the laid John Benham, except from a Mr. William Urry, an Acquaintance of the said George Blake, residing near Chichester ; and whereas at the Time the said George Blake so left his said Residence, he was building in the Yard belonging to the said John Benham a large Beck or Vat, intended to hold 320 Hogsheads, and the same now remains in the State which the laid George Blake left it in, other than that several of the Boards nailed together at the Top of, and forming a Covering for the said Beck or Vat, from the Lapse of Time have fallen in, and which are preserved on the Premises; Notice, therefore, is hereby given to the said George Blake, or in case of his Decease, to his personal Representative or Representatives, that unless he or they shall, on or before the 18th Day of September instant, pay to the said John Benham the Amount of his Bill for Board, Lodging, Rent of the Yard, and Money lent, and the incidental Expences attending the present or other Advertisements, that the said Beck or Vat, and Boards, will be sold to discharge the same and the Expences of the Sale. — Chichester, 11th September 1807.



Transcribed by:

Michael Metcalfe.

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