London Gazette index entry detail

Publication details:

Publication date: 11 Jun 1808.

Issue: 16153.

Page: 822.



Person details:

Name: Jonas Jones.

Marital Status: Married.

Occupation: Barrack-Master.


THE Creditors (if any) of Ann Jones, late of Battle, in the County of Sussex, Widow, deceased, (formerly the Wife of Jonas Jones, late of Battle aforesaid, Barrack-Master, deceased, ) are desired to send the Particulars of their respective Demands to my Office, on or before the 1st Day of July next, that the same may be discharged; and all Persons who were indebted to the said Ann Jones at the Time of her Decease are requested to pay the same to me forthwith, who am duly authorized by the Administratrix to receive the same. JOHN ELKINS, Solicitor to Diana Carolina Smith, the Sister and administratrix of the said Ann Jones, deceased. 31, Newman-Street, June 13, 1808.



Transcribed by:

Michael Metcalfe.

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