1841 Census for Kirdford - Person Detail

Enumeration District details:

Number: 8.

Code: HO 107/1094/5.

Description: All that part of the parish of Kirdford which lies to the South of the road from the Wisborough Green boundary at Boxall Bridge through the Village of Kirdford to Sanders Gate and the Lane thence to the Petworth boundary on Crawfold Farm.

Enumerator: Henry Hillyer.

Sub. District: Petworth.

Registration district: Petworth.

Property details:

Address: Scrub House.

Notes: Dummy property inserted - property details not transcribed.

Type: Inhabited.

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Household details:

Schedule: 30.

Head of household: Not known - relationships not specified in 1841 census.

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Document details:

Row: 160.

Person details:

Name: Puttock, Sarah.

Occupation: F S.

Age: 15.

Gender: Female.

Marital status: Not given.

Relationship to head: Not given.

Born In County?: Yes.

Birth parish: Unknown (SSX).

Birth county: Sussex.

Birth country: England.

Transcription details:

Transcribed by: John Morrison.

Batch: CEN_Kirdford_1841 Kirdford.csv.

Source: 1841 Census Kirdford Transcription.

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