UPDATE viewcount SET ItemPK='415',FKBatchTableId='13',ViewCount='244',RegViewCount=NULL,BotViewCount='1' WHERE PKViewId='23909'

Will detail

Will of Richard Duke of West Chiltington

Date signed: 13 Nov 1558, Probate date: Not given

In the name of god Amen the xiiith daie of November in the yere of o[ur] Lorde god 1558 I RICHARDE DUKE of the p[ar]ishe of WESTCHILTINGTON in the countie of Sussex beinge sicke in bodie whole and p[er]fecte of memorie ordayne and make this my Last will and testament in maner and forme folowinge First I bequethe my Soule unto Allmyghtie god and o[ur] blessed Ladie Saint Marie and to all the glorious company in heaven and my bodie to be buried in the church yarde of CHILTINGTON

Item I bequeath unto the mother church of Chichester id

Item I give unto TOMYSAN my daughter my greate brasse potte after the dethe of her mother and a pyge[?]

Item I give unto ANNES my daughter one sheppe

Item I [give unto] BETTRIS my daughter a sheppe

Item I give unto ALICE my daughter a shep

Item I give unto MARGARET my daughter one shepe

Item I give unto RICHARD ANDREWE my Godson a sheppe

Item I give unto HARRYE WOLLRIGGE my Godson a sheppe

The Rest of my goodes my debts being paid and legacies fulfilled I give and bequethe unto ANNES my wif whome I make my whole executrix and I ordayne and make JOHN SKYNNER and THOMAS ANDREWE my Overseers of this my last will to se all things herin fulfilled and he to have for his paynes takeynge xiid a pece records herunto RIC[HARD] FYNCH and THOMAS ANDREW w[i]t[h] others

Transcribed by:

Norma Podesta.

Notes about this will:

Chichester Archdeaconry – STCI/9 f 120



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