UPDATE viewcount SET ItemPK='431',FKBatchTableId='13',ViewCount='169',RegViewCount=NULL,BotViewCount=NULL WHERE PKViewId='26898'

Will detail

Will of George Palmer of West Chiltington

Date signed: 22 Jan 1669, Probate date: 09 Feb 1669

In the name of God Amen The two & Twentith day of January one thousand six hundred sixty & eight according to the Computac[i]on of the Church of England I GEORGE PALMER of WESTCHILTINGTON in the County of Sussex Cordwayner being sicke in body but of good & p[er]fect memory Thankes bee to Almighty God And calling to remembrance the uncerteyne estate of this transitory life & that all flesh must yield unto death when it shall please God to call doe make constitute ordayne & declare this my last will & Testament in manner & forme following revoking & adnulling by these p[re]sents all & ev[er]y Testament & Testaments will & wills heretofore by mee made & declared either by word or writing And this is to bee taken only for my last will & Testament & none other And first being penitent & sorry from the bottome of my heart for my sinnes past most humbly desiring foregivenes for the same. I give & Committ my soul unto Almighty God my Savyour & Redeemer in whome & by the merits of Jesus Christ I trust & beleeve assuredly to bee saved & to have full remission & forgiveness of all my sinnes & that my soule w[i]th my body at the generall day of Resurrecc[i]on shall rise againe w[i]th joy & through the merits of Christs death & passion possesse & inherit the Kingdome of heaven prepared for his Elect & Chosen And as for my body to bee buryed in Christian buryall at the discrec[i]on of my Executors hereafter nominated And now for the selling of my Temporall estate & such goods chatells & debts as it hath pleased God far above my deserts to bestow uppon mee I doe order give & dispose the same in manner & forme following (That is to say)

First I will that all those debts & dutyes as I owe in right or confidence to any manner of p[er]son or p[er]sons whatsoever shalbee well & truly contented & paid or ordained to bee paid within convenient time after my decease by my Executors hereafter named

Item I give to the poore of the parrish of WEST CHILTINGTON abovesaid the sum[m]e of Twenty shillings to be distributed among them uppon the day of my buryall or within one moneth after my decease by my Executors likewise hereafter named

Item I give to ELIZABETH PALMER my now wife the sum[m]e of Forty pounds of currant English money to bee paid unto her within one full yeare after my decease by my Executors likewise here after named And my Will & meaning is that my Executors shall pay her Forty shillings for the Interest of that money for that yeare towards her maintenance

Item I give & bequeathe to ev[er]y Brother & Sister w[hi]ch I shall have living at the time of my decease the summe of Tenn shillings a peece to bee paid w[i]thin one whole yeare after my decease yf it bee lawfully demanded

Item I give to JOHN BARNES & GEORGE COULSTOCKE the Two Sonnes of ELIZABETH PALMER my now wife the sev[er]all summes of Five shillings a peece

The rest of my Goods & Chattels household stuffe substance money or money worth whatsoever my debts paid as aforesaid also funeral expences & probate of this my will discharged I give & bequeathe to EDWARD PALMER & GEORGE PALMER to bee equally devided amongst them whome I doe appoynt to bee the ioynt Executors of this my last will & Testament And I doe entreate my brother WILLIAM PALMER & my brother in law JOHN ADERLY of CHALTON in the County of SOUTH HAMPTON to bee my overseers to see this my last will & Testament p[er]formed according to my true intent & meaning And doe give unto them the sev[er]all sum[m]es of Tenn shillings a peece (besides their necessary charges to bee borne) in tken of my love In witnes & testimony that this is my last will & Testament I the said GEORGE PALMER have hereunto sett my hand & seale the day & yeare abovewritten / GEORGE PALMER / Signed sealed & deliv[er]ed in the p[re]sence of THOMAS WYNNE THOMAS GODMAN

Proved 9 February 1668/9 by EDWARD PALMER & GEORGE PALMER Executors

Transcribed by:

Norma Podesta.

Notes about this will:

Chichester Archdeaconry – STCI/24 f 10



This will also mentions these parishes:


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