London Gazette index entry detail

Publication details:

Publication date: 25 Jul 1809.

Issue: 16279.

Page: 1188.



Person details:

Name: Mr. Richard Grinstead.

Marital Status: Not given.

Address: Thatchers and Hills, Warnham.


TO be sold, pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a Cause Glynn against Medwin, with the Approbation and under the Direction of John Ord, Esq; one of the Master's of the said Court, at the Anchor Inn, at Horsham, in the County of Sussex, on Monday the 4th Day of September 1809, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, in Three Lots, a Freehold Estate, called Thatchers and Hills, in the Parish of Warnham, in the County of Sussex, comprising a Farm-House, Garden, Orchard, and suitable Out buildings, and about 70 Acres of Land, in the Occupation of Mr. Richard Grinsted, under a Lease, of which Three Years will be unexpired at Michaelmas 1809, at the Rent of 50l. A Freehold Messuage, in Two Tenements, with a Garden and Orchard, at Warnham aforesaid, in the Occupation of James Owens, at the yearly Rent of 5l. 5s. ; and a Cottage and Garden at Warnham aforesaid, held for the Term of 1000 Years, from 1717, paying 6d. a Year, occupied by the Parish Officers. Printed Particulars may be had (gratis) at the said Master's Chambers, in Southampton-Buildings, Chancery-Lane, London, of Mr. Williams, Solicitor, Vineyard-Gardens, Clerkenwell ; of Mr. Mayhew, No. 12, New North-Street, Red-Lion-Square ; of Mr. Medwin, and of Mr. Stedman, Solicitors, Horsham, and at the Place of Sale.



Transcribed by:

Michael Metcalfe.

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