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Will detail

Will of Richard Herrington of West Chiltington

Date signed: 29 Oct 1838, Probate date: 23 Apr 1846

This is the last Will and testament of me RICHARD HERRINGTON of WEST CHILTINGTON in the County of Sussex Blacksmith made when of sound and disposing mind memory and Understanding Whereby I direct all my just debts and my funeral and testamentary expenses to be paid by my Executors hereinafter named out of my personal Estate. And my will is and I do hereby direct my son HENRY HERRINGTON and my friend HENRY HARWOOD of ASHINGTON .in the County aforesaid Miller as soon as conveniently may be after my decease to make sale and absolute disposal of all and every my customary or copyhold Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments situate in the parish of WEST CHILTINGTON aforesaid and holden of the Manor of WEST CHILTINGTON and all other my real Estate whatsoever and wheresoever by public auction or by Private Contract and do and shall pay and apply the Monies to arise and be produced by such sale or sales (the aforesaid Premises being sold altogether or in Lots as my said son and the said HENRY HARWOOD shall deem expedient) in such manner as is hereinafter mentioned And I give and bequeath unto my said son and the said HENRY HARWOOD all and every my personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kind soever the same may be Upon Trust as soon as conveniently may be after my decease to convert the same in to money And my Will is and I do hereby declare that my trustees shall stand possessed of such money to be produced from my personal Estate and also the moneys to arise and be produced by sale of my said Copyhold Hereditaments and real Estate Upon Trust to pay to my son THOMAS HERRINGTON the sum of Ten Pounds per annum for three years next after my decease and no longer and I give and bequeath the same sum to my said son THOMAS accordingly And Upon Trust do direct the residue of the said monies so [...?] as aforesaid into four equal shares And pay one such share unto my son PETER HERRINGTON one other such share unto my son HENRY HERRINGTON one other share unto my son HARVEY HERRINGTON and the remaining share unto my daughter FRANCES the wife of THOMAS HARDING to and for her sole and separate. use and benefit independent of her Husband and for which her receipt alone shall be a sufficient and proper discharge And I do hereby give and bequeath the said several shares of the said monies to my said sons and daughter accordingly And for facilitating the foresaid Sale or Sales I do hereby declare that the receipt of my said trustees or the Survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of such Survivor shall be a sufficient discharge to the purchaser or purchasers thereof for so much money as in such receipt shall be expressed to be received And I nominate and appoint my said son HENRY HERRINGTON and the said HENRY HARWOOD Executors of this my Will And I do hereby revoke all former Wills by my made In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this twenty ninth day of October One thousand eight hundred and thirty eight. RICHARD HERRINGTON Signed by the said RICHARD HERRINGTON the Testator in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses GEO LEAR of STORRINGTON WM HERRINGTON

Whereas I RICHARD HERRINGTON of WEST CHILTINGTON in the County of Sussex Blacksmith have duly made and executed my last Will and Testament bearing date the twenty ninth day of October One thousand eight hundred and thirty eight Now I do hereby further confirm the same and in addition thereunto do give and bequeath unto my Son THOMAS HERRINGTON therein named a further sum of Twenty pounds over and besides what I have therein given and bequeathed unto him and to be paid unto him annually in like manner by my Executors therein named or in any other manner or in one entire sum as they my Executors may see good and most beneficial to him Also I give and bequeath unto my Granddaughter MARY FURLONGER a Legacy or sum of Twenty five pounds. Also I give and bequeath unto my Grand daughter ANN FURLONGER five pounds both which last named Legacies I will and direct to be paid by my said Executors at the time of making the shares of my said Estate and Property as soon as conveniently may be after my decease. And I do ordain this writing to be a Codicil or addition to my said Will In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this thirteenth day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty five RICHD HERRINGTON Signed by the said RICHARD HERRINGTON in and for a […?] Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses WILIAM HERRINGTON CHARLES [LEWRY?]

This Will and Codicil was proved on the 23rd day of April 1846 before the Revd Wm Woollans[?] Holland Clerk Surrogate &c on the oath of HENRY HERRINGTON son of the Testator and one of the Executors named in the Will

To whom a day was given for exhibiting an Inventory &c. Power being reserved for HENRY HARWOOD the other Executor named in the Will

Effects worth under £450

Transcribed by:

Norma Podesta.

Notes about this will:

West Sussex Record Office – Records of the Chichester Archdeaconry Court Ref: STCI/53 f 279

Transcribers Notes

Testator died 18 December 1845

Richard Herrington – the Testator

Richard Herrington was born in Stopham, Sussex, on 6 July 1764, the eldest surviving son of Richard and Sarah Herrington; and he was baptised in Stopham on 15 July 1764. In 1778, when he was about 14, he was apprenticed to his uncle, Thomas Pollard, a blacksmith in Wisborough Green, an adjoining parish to both Stopham, and to West Chiltington, where Richard would spend his adult life. Thomas Pollard was married to Elizabeth Heriton, who was probably Richard’s aunt Richard would probably have completed his apprenticeship in 1785, and shortly afterwards he moved to West Chiltington, to set up in business for himself. On 1 June 1786 he married Mary Harwood in West Chiltington parish church. She was a daughter of Thomas Harwood and Mary Parsons. The couple had 7 children between 1787 – 1800, all baptised in West Chiltington parish church. Mary died in 1835, and was buried in West Chiltington on 14 May 1835.Richarde died on 18 December 1845, and was buried in West Chiltington parish church yard on 24 December 1845.

Peter Herrington – son of the Testator

Peter was baptised in West Chiltington on 13 July 1787. On 18 July 1815 Peter Herrington married Mary Henley in West Chiltington, following the calling of banns. They were married by D Morgan, curate of West Chiltington. The witnesses to the marriage were Peter West, who was an uncle by marriage of Mary Henley’s, and Mary Herrington, Peter’s mother. Between 1816 – 1823 Peter and Mary had 4 children – 2 boys followed by 2 girls. Mary Herrington died on 27 March 1863, aged 73, of cancer of the foot. Mary was buried in West Chiltington on 3 April 1863. Peter lived for just over a year after his wife’s death, dying on 6 June 1864, aged 77, as a result of a severe injury of his arm, and extensive abscesses. He was buried in West Chiltington on13 June 1864.

Henry Herrington – Son of the Testator

Henry was baptised in West Chiltington on 11 |October 1789 He became a carpenter, and at some point (date currently unknown) he married a girl from Wandsworth, in London (surname unknown) Henry died, probably in late November 1854, and was buried in West Chiltington on 2 December 1854. His Will was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, on 1 June 1855.

Harvey Herrington – Son of the Testator

Harvey was baptised in West Chiltington on 9 November 1791 He became a blacksmith like his father, Richard, and his brother Peter. On 26 July 1817 he married Frances Adfield, in West Chiltington parish church Frances was buried in West Chiltington on 15 September 1862. Harvey died in 1865, and was buried in West Chiltington on 1 April 1865, aged 73.

Frances Harding – Daughter of the Testator

Frances was the eldest daughter, and fourth child, of Richard & Mary Herrington. She was born in 1793, and baptised in West Chiltington parish church on Christmas Day 1793. She married Frederick Furlonger in Angmering on 17 November 1812. The marriage record shows that she was living in Angmering at the time. One of the witnesses to the wedding was Mary Herrington Frances was 5-6 months pregnant, when they married, and the couple’s first daughter, Mary, was baptised in Angmering on 17 March 1813. The family then moved to Lyminster, where Jane was baptised on 9 March 1817. There was a further move to Warningcamp, by 1819, when Henry was born, but he and subsequent children (Frances (1821), Ann (1824), & Frederick (1825)) were all baptised in Lyminster. Frederick died sometime between 1825-31. After his death Frances moved back to Lyminster, with her children. She married Thomas Harding in Lyminster parish church on 2 May 1831, when Frances was 6-7 months pregnant. shortlyafter the marriage the family moved to Rustington, where Frances and Thomas’ son, Harvey, was baptised on 28 August 1831. The family then moved to Littlehampton, where Frances and Thomas had 2 more children – Richard (c 1832/3) and George (c 1834/5). They were living in Littlehampton at the time of the 1841 & 1851 censuses. On 8 September 1862, Frances died aged 68. She was buried a week later, on 15 September. Unusually her name on her tombstone is given as ‘Frances Furlonger’ although the tombstone also states that she is the wife of Thomas Harding. It also refers to her being the eldest daughter of Richard & Mary Herrington.

Thomas Herrington – Son of the Testator

Thomas was baptised in West Chiltington on 13 May 1798. He married Elizabeth Payne on 1 March 1821, at St Saviours, Southwark. Thomas became a butcher Thomas died in June 1868, aged 72, and was buried in the churchyard of West Chiltington on 29 June 1868.



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