UPDATE viewcount SET ItemPK='490',FKBatchTableId='13',ViewCount='722',RegViewCount=NULL,BotViewCount='46' WHERE PKViewId='27210'

Will detail

Will of Ralph Wolvin of West Grinstead

Date signed: 20 Apr 1684, Probate date: Not given

In the name of God Amen the four & twentieth day of Aprill in the year of our Lord Christ 1684 & in ye 36 year of the Reign of our Sov[er]aigne Lord Charles ye Second by ye Grace of God Kinge over England etc I RALPH WOOLVIN of WESTGRINSTED in the County of Sussex yeom[an] beinge of sound & p[er]fect memory praised bee all mighty God doe hereby renounce & make void all form[er] will or wills by mee made & doe make order & appoynt this to bee my last will and Testam[en]t in writtinge in manner & forme followinge first I give & bequeath my Soul into the hands of almighty God my maker hopeinge through ye meritts of Jesus Christ my only Savio[ur] & Redeem[er] to receive free pardon & forgiveness of all my Sins & my body to bee decently buryed att ye descretion of my Ex[ecu]trix hereinafter named

It[e]m I give unto my brother JOHN WOOLVEN Six pounds a year & ev[er]y yeare dureinge his n[atu]rall life to bee p[ai]d by my Ex[ecu]trix quarterly ye first paym[en]t of Thirty shill[ing]s to bee made att three months end next after my decease and soe forward thirty shill[ing]s att ev[er]y three months end dureimge his n[atu]rall life

It[e]m I give unto WILLIAM WOOLVIN son of my said brother ten pounds to bee p[ai]d within Six months after my decease

It[e]m I give & bequeath unto my daughter in Law ELIZABETH SOALE one hund[re]d pounds of lawfull English money to bee paid unto her att her age of one & twenty yeares old or day of marryage or at which of those dayes first happenth after my decease

It[e]m I give unto my brother THOMAS WOOLVIN of WARMINGHURST in the said county twenty shill[ing]s It[e]m I give unto his daughter MARY WOOLVIN twenty shill[ing]s

It[e]m I give unto MARY WOOLVIN ye daughter of my brother JOHN WOOLVIN above named forty shill[ing]s It[e]m I give unto the two Children of JAMES SOMERSALL of ASHURST twenty shill[ing]s apiece

It[e]m I give unto ev[er]y one of ye Children of WILLIAM PAGE of ASHURST that shalbee liveinge att the time of my decease twenty shill[ing]s apeice

It[e]m I give unto THOMAS & RICHARD CHAMPION the Sons of WALTER CHAMPION of STENNINGE twenty shillings apeice It[e]m I give unto PHILLIP BUTCHER of Stenninge ye Sum of twenty shillings And I doe will & appoynt that all those Legacies before menc[i]oned shalbee paid with six months after my decease

It[e]m I give & bequeath unto all the five Children of RALPH WOOLVIN of WESTGRINSTED afores[ai]d weaver ye son of JOHN WOOLVIN ten pounds apeice and I doe will & appoynt that my Ex[ecu]tors shall pay interest att one shillinge in the pound unto their Father or Mother or Gardian duringe their minority for these Legacies and shall pay those Legacies unto ye Legatees sev[er]ally as they shalbee in a Capacity to discharge my Ex[ecu]trix of the same or into ye hands of such p[er]son or p[er]sons as they or any of them shall make Choice of and shalbee approved of by my Ov[er]seers herein after named & that will discharge my Ex[ecu]trix of ye Legacy or Legacies

It[e]m All other my money Creditts Cattell goods & Chattells whatsoever that I shall dy seized of I give & bequeath unto ALICE my loveinge wife whom I make whole & Sole Ex[ecu]trix of this my last will & testament shee to pay all my debts & Legacies and fun[er]all Charges & I desire my Son in Law JOHN SOALE & THOMAS TINGLER of NUTHURST to bee Ov[er]seers of this my will to see it p[er]formed acordingly & I give unto them twenty shill[ing]s apeice In witnesse to this my last will & testam[en]t I have here unto sett my hand & Seale the day & year first above written RALPH WOOLVIN Published Signed Sealed & declared to bee my last will & testam[ent] in the p[rese]nce of JOHN BEARD ~ ELIZABETH SOALE ~ NICHOLAS GODMARKE

Transcribed by:

Norma Podesta.

Notes about this will:

Notes by transcriber:

Probate information not on photocopy – probably on the next page, which I do not have at present.



This will also mentions these parishes:

Warminghurst, Ashurst, Steyning, Nuthurst.

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