In the name of God Amen I JOHN WARD of WEST GRINSTED in the Countie of Sussex yeoman being not well in body and considering the certantie of death and the uncertaintie of the tyme And that the tyme of sicknes and weaknes is fitter to be imployed on meditating on heaven and heavenly things then one the things of this world I have therefore thought fitt to make my last will and testamentfor the selling and disposeing of such earthly estate as god of his greate mercy hath bestowed uppon mee and to that ende & purpose I doe make and declare my last will and testament in man[n]er and forme following First I give and bequeath my soule to Almighty god my maker and [illeg] for stedfastly haveing by and through the only and sufficient merritts of Jesus Christ my redeemer to obtaine free pardon of all my sinnes And my body I commit to the earth whence it came to be buried in decent manner at the discrec[i]on of my executor hereafter named Item I give and bequeath to the poore people of the parrish of WEST GRINSTED aforesaid fortie shillings of lawfull money of England And to the poore people of the parrish of COWFOLD tenne shillings of like lawfull money of England And to the poore of the parrish of ASHURST in the Countie aforesaid six shillings and eight All which said severall sommes given unto the poore people of the said three severall Parrishes as aforesaid I will shalbe paid within one month next after my decease unto the severall Churchwardens of the said severall parishes to be by them distributed among such of the said poor as they in their discrec[i]on shall thinke fitt
Item I give unto JOANE my loving wife twentie pounds of lawfull money to be paid unto her within one moneth next after my decease Item I give and bequeath to my said wife the somme of thirtie pounds per annum to be paid out of my lands in WEST GRINSTED COWFOLD and ASHURST p[er] my executor (vizt) seaven pounds and tenne shillings quarterly if she accept of it, if not my will is that shee shall have five and thirtie pounds to be paid her as afore said Item I give unto her for her life the Parlour Chamber Item I give unto her sufficient wood for her burning and use for her life tyme and the little Oven in the Brewhouse when she wants him Item I give and bequeath to my said wife the two beds in the Chamber over the Kitchin with the Bedsteds Curtaines Curtayne Rodds Rugge Cover beds Blanketts and all other furniture belonging thereunto one yellow and Redd Coverled of her owne making two paire of the best Tyre sheets two paire of the best Towen sheets one paire of the best pillow coates one little Iron pott the middle brasse skillet my little black mare that shee ued to ride on the side saddle pillion saddle cloth with the other furniture belonging thereunto one Chest and two boxes which were hers before her marriage one dozen of the best pewter spoones two pewter porrengers one old Cheste standing in the Parlour Chamber one dozen of milke truggs one dozen of Tire napkins at her election Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne GEORGE Eleaven shillings in golde And to his sonne JOHN Twentie shillings to be paid him at his age of one and twenty yeres and to his sonne GEORGE the like somme of twentie shillings of like lawfull money of England to bee paid him at his age of one and twenty yeres Item I give and bequeath unto RICHARD the third sonne of the said GEORGE my sonne the somme of twenty shillings to bee paid to him at his age of one and twentie yeres Item I give and bequeath unto EDWARD the fowerth sonne of my s[ai]d sonne GEORGE the somme of twentie shillings to be paid to him at his age of one and twenty yeres Item I give and bequeath unto his two daughters MARY and SUSAN the somme of twenty shillings apeece (vizt) to each of them twentie shillings when they shall accomplish the age of one and twentie yeres or else be first married which shall first happen Item I give and bequeath to my sonne WILLIAM Eleaven shillings in gold and to his sonne WILLIAM the somme of twenty shillings to be paid to him at the age of one and twenty yeres Item I give and bequeath to my sonne THOMAS Eleaven shillings in gold and to his sonne JOHN twentie shillings of lawfull money of England to be paid him at his age of one and twenty yeres, and to his son RICHARD twentie shillings of lawfull money of England to bee paid to him at his age of one and twentie yeres and to his sonne THOMAS twentie shillings of lawfull money of England to bee paid him at his age of one and twenty yeres Item I give and bequeath to my daughter MARY the now wife of THOMAS ELLIS Eleaven shillings in gold Item I give and bequeath to JOHN MITCHELL my grandchilde and godsonne, sonne of the said MARIE the somme of twenty shillings to bee paid within one moneth next after my decease I give and bequeath to ANNE MITCHELL the somme of twenty shillings to be paid her at the age of one and twenty yeres Item I give and bequeath unto WILLIAM MITCHELL the somme of tenne pounds to bee paid him at the age of one and twentie yeres Item I give and bequeath unto THOMAS MITCHELL the somme of twentie shillings to be paid him when hee shall come to the age of one and twentie yeres Item I give and bequeath unto THOMAS ELLIS the sonne of THOMAS and MARY ELLIS his daughter the somme of twentie shillings apiece (vizt) twentie shillings unto THOMAS at his age of one and twentie yeres And unto MARY the somme of twentie shillings when shee shall come to the age of one and twentie yeres or at her daye of marriage which shall first happen Item I give unto JOHN the sonne of THOMAS ELLIS the somme of twentie shillings to bee paid him at the age of one and twenty yeres Item I give unto GEORGE the sonne of THOMAS ELLIS the somme of twenty shillings to be paid him at the age of one and twenty yeres Item I give unto HENRY AGATE my Grandchilde sonne of RALPH AGATE of COWFOLD the somme of twentie shillings to be paid unto him at the full age of one and twenty yeres if hee shall soe long live Item I give and bequeath unto MARY AGATE the daughter of the said RALPH GATE the like somme of twenty shillings to bee paid unto her at her full age of one and twenty yeres if shee shall soe long live Item I give and bequeath to SARAH A GATE the daughter of the said RALPH A GATE the somme of twentie shillings to bee paid unto heart her full age of one and twentie yeres if she shall soe long live Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter JANE the now wife of THOMAS LANCASTER Eleaven shillings in gold Item I give and bequeath unto THOMAS the sonne of THOMAS LANCASTER the somme of Twentie shillings to bee paid him at the full age of one and twentie yeres if hee shall soe long live Item I give and bequeath unto JANE the daughter of THOMAS LANCASTER the somme of twentie shillings to bee paid to her at the age of one and twenty yeres if shee shall soe long live Item I give and bequeath to my daughter SUSAN one hundred and fortie pounds to be paid to her within three moneths next after my decease Item I give unto my said daughter SUSAN Eleaven shillings in gold six dozen of trenchers such as I have given unto my sonne WILLIAM
All the residue of my goods and household stuffe unbequeathed my debts and legacies beinge paid I give and bequeath unto my sonne JOHN for and towards his p[er]formance of this my will (whome I make my sole executor) And the remainder to his use This is alsoe the last will and testament of me the said JOHN WARD concerning the disposal of my lands and tenements Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my sonne JOHN and his heires All my lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever with thappurtenances lyeing in the parishes of WEST GRINSTED COWFOLD and ASHURST in the Countie of SUSSEX Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne WILLIAM and his heires all those my lands and premisies with thappurtenances lyeing in the parrish of CRONDALL in HAMPSHIRE Called or known by the name of FEDLANDS or by whatsoever other name or names the same is called or knowne after myne and my wifes decease now or of late in the tenure or occupac[i]on of JOHN CANTE or his assignes Item I nominate and appointe my two sonnes in lawe THOMAS ELLIS and THOMAS LANCASTER to bee overseers of this my will and I give to eyther of the twentie shillings a peece to bee aydeing and assisting unto m Executor herein And I utterly revoke and adnull all former will legacies executors and overseers by me formerly made In witness whereof I the said JOHN WARD of WEST GRINSTED have to this my last will and testament put to my hand and seale the eighth daye of JANUARY in the yere of our Lord God one Thousand Six hundred Fiftie and seaven JOHN WARD published subscribed and Sealed in the presence of WILLIAM FRYE ROBERT COOPER The mark of THOMAS COOPER.
Probate … 27 SEPT 1660
Prerogative Court of Canterbury – PROB11/301