Details for household:

Enumeration District details:

Number: 9.

Code: HO 107/1094/5.

Description: All that part of the parish of Kirdford which lies to the North of the Lane from Gander’s Gate to the Petworth boundary on Crawfield Farm and to the east of the said Parish boundary to Isling Bridge & to the Stream from thence to the Northchapel boundary at Roundwick Coppice extending to the North Eastern extremity of such parish boundary & to the South of a direct line from such extremity to Sware House & to the lane from thence to Crouchland (Crouchland & Sware House excluded) & to the West of the lane or road from Crouchland by Kirdford & Pound Commons (excluding the whole of the houses on Kirdford Common & also Collins’s Farm House) through the Village of Kirdford to Garden’s Gate.

Enumerator: George Wells.

Sub. District: Petworth.

Registration district: Petworth.

Property details:

Address: Kirdford Village.

Notes: Dummy property inserted - property details not transcribed.

Type: Inhabited.

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Household details:

Schedule: 9.

Head of household: Not known - relationships not specified in 1841 census.

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