Rolvenden, (Kent)

Places of worship:

Church details, together with baptism, marriage, monumental inscription & burial records can be accessed by clicking on the church name.

Census returns:

The OPC Database has no census returns for people residing in this parish yet.

People born in this parish but residing elsewhere:

1 individual in the OPC Database for the 1851 census.

2 individuals in the OPC Database for the 1861 census.


Grid reference currently unknown.

Poll Registers:

The OPC database contains no poll register entries for people entitled to vote in this parish.

1641 Protestation Returns:

There are no protestation returns for this parish in the OPC database.


The OPC database contains no entries for people mentioned in Gazzetes associated with this parish.


There are 4 images depicting this parish in the OPC database.

Postal directories:

The OPC database contains no postal directory entries for this parish.


There are no books about this parish in the Sussex OPC Bibliography.

There are no articles about this parish in the OPC Sussex Archeaological Collections Index.

There are no people from this parish in the OPC Sussex Archeaological Society Members Index.


The OPC database contains no wills of people who lived in this parish.

The OPC database contains 1 will which mention this parish.

Interest in this parish:

No registered users have badged this parish yet. To share your interest with others, why not register as a frequent user of this site?

Please contact the OPC co-ordinator if you have information or links you would like to contribute.

Remember that OPCs are volunteers and are unlikely to have information not listed on this page.

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