Use the controls above to find the articles you wish to see. Authors, Parishes and Churches will appear in the drop down choices only when data is available.
The Sussex Archaeological Collections have been produced by the Sussex Archaeological Society since its inception in 1846, and is a major scholarly contribution to the study of local archaeology and history. The Collections are the first port of call for anyone researching the past of Sussex. This index aims to help people find articles that contain information about specific churches or parishes.
We are very grateful to Mike Snatt, who generously made available his article index and associated database. This allowed us to accelerate the coverage, and saved a lot of typing!
We have completed the indexing by parish and church based on the article name, however the indexing by article content will take longer.
We would appreciate help with this task, so if you believe there should be a reference to an article from a particular church or parish please let us know and we will add the cross reference.
Some of the more recent articles are available on line on the Archaeology Data Services web site, links to these have been added where known. If you are aware of any other articles available on line, please tell us so we can add a link.
Your feedback on the operation of this site and details of any problems encountered in its use is welcomed.