Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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St Andrew22 Jun 1643ElphickeJohnAlchinAnneMagnifying glass image
St Andrew18 May 1644MathewJohnStoneElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Andrew26 Sep 1644HamesWilliamBallardMaryMagnifying glass image
St Andrew?? ??? 1645ThomasAbrahamMathewAnnaMagnifying glass image
St Andrew?? ??? 1645WalkerRobertDarkinAnnaMagnifying glass image
St Andrew28 Apr 1646VarnamJohnDercomElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Andrew13 Jun 1665NewmanJamesClarkAnnMagnifying glass image
St Andrew09 Jul 1666DaviesJohnGallopMaryMagnifying glass image
St Andrew25 Jul 1666CookWilliamSkinnerElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Andrew25 Sep 1666StoneRichardHumdenMaryMagnifying glass image
St Andrew02 Feb 1668MittenThomasPickeroldAnnMagnifying glass image
St Andrew13 Apr 1669CarterJohnBengeElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Andrew27 Apr 1669DavisThomasNewingtonJoaneMagnifying glass image
St Andrew12 Oct 1669WillitChristopherWalkerMaryMagnifying glass image
St Andrew22 Sep 1670GosdenJohnBallardMaryMagnifying glass image
St Andrew07 Mar 1671BrookeNicholasDyerMaryMagnifying glass image

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