Browse the marriage records in the Sussex OPC database (58477 records)
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St Andrew14 Aug 1804WoodhamsThomasTaylorLucyMagnifying glass image
St Andrew06 Oct 1805ShingltonThomasPiperCatherineMagnifying glass image
St Andrew18 Oct 1809MillerThomasGeeringDinahMagnifying glass image
St Andrew29 Jun 1810MewettThomasTucknottFrancesMagnifying glass image
St Andrew07 Jul 1824BurgessThomasAucockMary AnneMagnifying glass image
St Andrew23 Sep 1824AveryThomasOliveJaneMagnifying glass image
St Andrew23 Nov 1829ReedThomasGravesMaryMagnifying glass image
St Andrew28 Feb 1831HiltonThomasBodleJaneMagnifying glass image
St Andrew20 Apr 1836WinderThomasPettitSusannahMagnifying glass image
St Andrew02 Nov 1845RussellThomasGeeringAugustaMagnifying glass image
St Andrew08 Jun 1850BreachThomasMarchantJaneMagnifying glass image
St Andrew02 Oct 1873TillThomasGrigstoneAnnMagnifying glass image
St Andrew02 Mar 1879FennellThomasHaryottElizabethMagnifying glass image
St Andrew15 Nov 1879MockfordThomasHarmanMariaMagnifying glass image
St Andrew06 Sep 1880SmithThomasHaryottCatherineMagnifying glass image
St Andrew19 Sep 1839SangerThomas FredPagdenSusanMagnifying glass image

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