Is twenty miles Brighton, sixteen from Lewes, eight from Seaford, and sixty four from London. Near it a few years ago a Roman bath and a beautiful tessellated pavement were discovered, with evident marks that whatever building had been over it had been destroyed by fire. East Bourne is pleasantly situated by the sea, and is much frequented by the nobility and gentry for sea-bathing. The hills at the back of the village are beautiful, commanding an extensive prospect of the wilds of Sussex and the numerous flocks of sheep that are fed thereon; and, in the months of July and August, there are large flights of birds called wheatears, which are looked upon as a great dainty: they are taken by the shepherds, who cut the earth out like a Roman T, the hole is covered with the turf the grassy side downwards, and under it are two horse-hair nooses; the birds are to timorous that upon the approach of any thing (even the shadow of a cloud will frighten them) they run in to these cavities for shelter, and fall victims under these fatal coverings by ensnaring themselves in the noose. Two miles distance from East Bourne is a decoy where a great number of wild-fowl resort and are taken.
There is a free-school for fifteen boys, supported by lord George Cavendish. Here are also two annual fairs, viz. October 10 and March 12.
There is a bye-post from Lewes to this place every day in the summer, and every day (except Monday) in the winter. Here are three inns; and a stage coach sets out from the Lamb inn to Lewes, three times a week in the summer season, to meet the Brighton coaches in their way to London, and wait their return in the afternoon. Two stage wagons go hence to London every week.
The following are the principal inhabitants:
Anger Edward, Gent. (F.)
Brown Roe, Gent.
Gilbert Nicholas, Esq. (F.)
Gilbert Mrs. Susannah
Lushington Mrs. widow
Lane Mrs. widow, (F.)
Smith Mistresses Mary and Sarah
Willard Thomas, Esq. (F.)
Davies Rev. Mr. Rector of Littlingto, and Master of a Boarding-School
Fisher Rev. Mr. (F.) Vicar of East Bourn
Myres Rev. Mr. Curate of Willingdon and Master of the Free and Boarding-Schools
Gibbs Thomas, Surgeon, Apothecary, and Man-midwife
Noakes Edward, Surgeon, Apothecary, and Man-midwife
Auger Edward, Farmer
Alce John, Coal-meter
Atwood George, Hair-dresser
Baker Thomas, Ironmonger and Blacksmith
Baker Henry, Riding-officer and Blacksmith
Bingham John, Seedsman and Gardener
Bignal William, Miller
Becket Elizabeth, (F.) Butcher
Ballard Charles, (F.) Taylor
Burrows Joseph, Riding-officer and Taylor
Bridger John, Taylor
Carter Henry, Butcher
Climpton Henry, Glover and Breeches-maker
Cox Thomas, Seedsman and Gardener
Carter Jospeh, Farmer
Colman Joseph, Baker
Chapman George, (F.) Brewer and Miller
Chapman Geo. Innkeeper, (New Inn)
Cookson John, Linen-draper
Dadswell Edward, Watch-maker
Dyer William, Taylor
Dyer Friend, Taylor
Dutton Benjamin, (F.) Carpenter and Builder
Dumbrel John, Shoemaker
Fuller Thomas, Innkeeper, (Lamb)
Fisher Frederick George, (F.) Book-seller and Stationer
Filder Abel, (F.) Farmer
Filder Joseph, Draper and Grocer
Grace Thomas, Baker and Grocer
Heatherly R. and A. (F.) Milliners and Haberdashers
Hawkins John, Setter to the Custom-house Boat
How Thomas, (F.) Hair-dresser
Hurst William, (F.) Farmer
Hart Thomas, Weaver and Parish-clerk
Hilton William, Wheelwright
Iggulden Stephen, Butcher
Knight William, Lewes Carrier
King -, Livery Stable keeper
Mandy Elizabeth, Draper and Grocer
Mandy Henry, (F.)
Mandy Henry, Butcher
Marsh Thomas, Excise-officer
Mortimer Charles Smith, (F.) Deputy Collector of the Customs
Mortimer Elizabeth and Cath. Millers
Maynard John, Carpenter
Marchant James, Tallow-chandler
Morris William, (F.)
Marchant Charles, (F.) Labourer
Noakes Thomas, Draper and Grocer
Noakes John, Sadler
Noakes William, Shoemaker
Payne William, Grocer
Payne Ann, Baker
Page Abigail, Mantua-maker
Rason William, (F.) Farmer
Rason Thomas, Farmer
Rason John, (F.) Farmer
Richardson Matthew, (F.) Bricklayer
Sutton Samuel, Shoemaker
Stretton William, (F.) Carpenter
Sinden William, Bricklayer
Snatt John, Turner
Townsett Ann, (F.) Baker
Taylor Sarah, School-mistress
Vine Charles, Carpenter
Willard John, Farmer
Webb William, Innkeeper, (Ship)
Webb Alexander, Farmer
Watt Elizabeth, Mantua-maker
Watt William, (F.) Labourer
Wilkins Susannah, Baker
Young James, Bailiff to Lord George Cavendish
Young William, Shopkeeper
Yealden John, (F.) Miller
Near this place is Beachy-Head, well known in history for the stupendous height of the cliffs. Under one of them is a cavern said to be hewn or carved by Mr. Darby, a clergyman, (whose name if bears, being called Darby’s cave,) with a good intent to save poor shipwrecked sailors from destruction by his going there in stormy weather and putting out a light, by which means he saved many lives. – Lord George Cavendish has a seat in this village called Compton place. Counsellor Piggot, and many more gentlemen, have built houses here for their summer residence. Here are also a great number of good lodging-houses for the accommodation of the gentry; and at one mile distance is Ratton-lodge, the seat of Inigo Thomas, Esq.
22/02/2005 | Transcribed by Mark Collins; Transcription © Mark Collins |